ATM Installations Of Crypto Will Dominates By U.S.

U.S. dominates crypto due to China our from the competition

The US picked up the slack to become the highest BTC hash rate contributor

Representing 37.84% of the total mining power by Jan 2022.

Even though it is not that easy to U.S.

The myriads of state and federal regulatory hurdles faced by crypto businesses in the region,

The United States plays a major role in preserving the Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto ecosystem.

When China moving out of the picture following a permaban on crypto,

The United States maintains the top position in terms of hash rate contribution

And also the ATM installations worldwide.

Before cracking down on BTC mining,

China historically represented over 50% of the total hash rate up until Feb 2021.

Therefore, when China out from the competition,

U.S. picked up the slack to become the highest BTC hash rate contributor

Representing 37.84% of the total mining power by Jan 2022.

Besides, the U.S. is home to the highest number of ATM installations,

Representing nearly 88% of the total crypto ATM installations worldwide.

Over 90% of the overall crypto ATMs installed over the past several months are in the United States.

It obviously, further strengthening North America’s position in the crypto ecosystem,

Canada represents the second-largest network of crypto ATMs after the United States.

While in the outside of the Americas,

Spain houses the highest number of crypto ATMs, 210 or 0.5% of the total active ATMs.